3 Elements That Make a Good Story

Agustin Tormun
3 min readJul 26, 2022
Storytelling post descriptive image
Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash

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Have you heard how your idols, your teachers or your friends tell interesting stories? We’ve all told and listened to stories throughout our lives, it’s a human thing and let’s be honest, we love stories!

But what makes the difference between a good story and a bad one? Here are 3 elements, according to storytelling, to create a story that will keep your audience on the edge of their seat.

The character

But it’s not just any character, we’re talking about someone the audience can relate to. Maybe your character is going through a situation that may be common or has a similar problem to what any of us may be going through.

The important thing is that the people who are listening or reading your story, feel identified, because this generates empathy, which ends up forming an emotional bond and makes your story stick in people’s minds.

The content

Ok, the emotional bond has already been generated, is the job done? Not exactly, keep in mind that if your content is not interesting, people will get bored and stop reading or listening your story.

Content is the tool you use to keep your audience engaged.



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.