I decided to jump into this fancy note taking system

Agustin Tormun
2 min readMar 1, 2022
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Lately I’ve been reading and watching a lot about this new note taking system called Zettelkasten. I’m amazed that just now it is becoming so popular given the fact that it has been created since (fecha). I guess the power of influencers is stronger than I thought. But i will not be talking about the method per se of how it works (i’ll leave it for another post), i’ll be talking about why I decided to jump on it

I want to take my readings to the next level

I love to read and (a lo largo de toda mi vida) I’ve read a lot of books about a great variety of topics. To be honest I barely remember things about them. I know that when I read a book, some ideas resonate, of course I’ve been learning, but I think I could achieve the next level. Documenting all my reads and thoughts at that time seems powerful.

Having a record of my thoughts

Imagine having a record of what, when and why you thought something. That is such a powerful tool because you could measure your progress, your evolution, your growth! I know, I know, many of you will tell me — Thats what journaling is for — and yes, it is! I’ve been journaling for a few years now but the idea of linking my thoughts is something I’m interested in.



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.