Phone Calling? Nope, What a Waste Of Time

Agustin Tormun
2 min readMar 8, 2022
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

That is what I used to think, at least until last year. I wasn’t good at reaching my friends and family and when I did, I just sent text messages because that’s what we do in the 21st century right? We all lead such busy lives that we don’t have time anymore for a phone call, 15 to 20 minutes lost calling? No way! I rather use that time watching this new episode of my series.

But here’s the question that started living rent free on my head — When does talking to our loved ones became a waste of time? — Aren’t they our loved ones? They must be worth something.

What about the people who prefer to be contacted by message? Well, why do you think they prefer that way? Listen, I know we can’t change what people around us do or think but we can change ourselves.

I still remember when I was a little boy, we didn’t have smartphones and the internet was just beginning to be something.

All we had was a phone line and an answering machine for leaving messages.

And my birthday, oh my birthday, I remember the phone ringing all evening long, nobody called in the morning because I was at school, and people really cared about not calling late at night because it was rude. Now, with text messages people text at any time, it doesn’t really matter if it is too late or too early, if it’s business or school hours, week or weekend.

With text messages we always have to be available.

So this is one of my goals for this year, to be a part of my people’s lives and not by iMessage or Whatsapp but by phone calling.

As always, thanks for reading! 👽



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.