Physical romanticism vs automated digital

Agustin Tormun
2 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

Due to the times we live in, this is a current debate. People on both sides make very valid arguments why use one or another. I consider myself a romantic so at the beginning I was opting for physical, until I tried the best of both worlds.

My finances on pen and paper

I love notebooks, I think I have more notebooks than I can use so I took one of them and started logging all my expenses and budgeting. At the beginning it was daily log, then weekly, then monthly and then, well, I lost track of them. Also every 15 days when I receive my paycheck I manually distribute money to all my buckets. It was a process that took me up to 40 minutes between distributing, making payments, investments, etc. Making that effort twice a month, honestly, was tiring. I decided to automate it.

My digital writing and daily journaling

I’ve seen so many videos of keeping a digital journal, with apps like Notion or Day One I felt the need to try it, with all the templates and apps UI looking beautiful, I thought that was something I wanted, and not just that, it has the advantage of having access to your entries and thoughts anywhere! So I took the leap, tried for a few months and the truth is I didn’t like it. It did not beat that feeling of writing your own feelings by hand…



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.