Put the imposter syndrome to work for you

Agustin Tormun
2 min readFeb 18, 2022
Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash

For those who don’t know what imposter syndrome is, in short terms, is the feeling of not being good enough in what you are doing…awful right? Well, the syndrome is real, it’s out there, lives inside all of us and it’s dangerous, it can be a great goal achievement blocker. But every story has to sides, it can be a great booster using it the right way

If you’re feeling it, you’re on the right direction

Why would you not feel good enough for something you dislike or something you don’t want to achieve? My guess is that if feelings are involved it is because it is something you really are putting your heart on and that my friend, must be the right direction.

Run against it towards the goal

Take it as a challenge, the more you feel not good enough, the more you work on being good enough! The goal is right in front of you, keep walking with the syndrome behind you, never in front of you.

Take a look at the road you’ve traveled

A great way to see you’ve been growing is taking a look at your past work. From time to time review what you have done and compare how much you have learned. That’s a great way of punching the syndrome in the face (wait, so you’re telling me it is not only real but does it have a face?)

Just remember, no one is born perfect and no one is born knowing it all. The hard work and showing up will give you the abilities you are seeking for and it’s up to you if you let the syndrome stop you, or work for you.

Thanks for reading! 👽



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.