Start from the finish line

Agustin Tormun
2 min readJan 13, 2022
Photo by Anton Shuvalov on Unsplash

When I was a little boy my mother used to have this one rule.

If you start something you can’t stop doing it until 1 year has passed.

I remember hating that rule, but now I think it has a valuable lesson behind.

Give yourself the time to enjoy or hate what you are doing.

Lately I’ve been in a journey to find my passion, I’ve been drawing, knitting, gaming, collecting stuff, writing. Basically anything you can think of, I’m up for trying.

Without success I’ve dropped everything after a few months, leaving me with the idea that I’m not good enough for anything.

Learn to differentiate if you dislike the activity or you’re getting out of your comfort zone.

All new hobby requires practice, showing up and constancy. What happened to me was that I had some expectations of how I wanted my finish drawing or post to look. Due to my lack of experience the result was far from them and that made me feel uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean I was not enjoying the process but I was leaving my comfy zone. It’s important to tell the difference…I couldn’t.

In search of what was going on with me I found out that the problem was that I started…



Agustin Tormun

My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. I'm a perpetual student, hungrily absorbing everything from history's whispers to the latest technological sorcery.